XS 700 Details Commercial & Leisure Ribs from a UK Manufacturer
This is standard in the VALUE and DELUXE models, options to upgrade to other console and seating options are on the PRICE LIST This console takes the standard 110 L fuel tank
This unit takes 110 - 180 and 300 L tank options, the front seat can NOT be removed. 2 single J/Seats are included in double console options.
The SCREEN as shown is STANDARD. Rails are an extra if required.
The REAR of this console is the same as the one above, the difference is in the front, more of a slope, a lower profile screen and a single bench seat with "sides"
We offer 2 versions, the Apex A design shown here and a parallel design suited to twin engines. We offer numerous options for frames, ladders, lighting, boat box holders, "cranes" radar platforms. bottle racks etc.
Craft of this size are not really suitable for SINGLE Tube frames, the double design takes all the vibration out.